
Blessing and favor of God follow the pure I heart. As we pray for them, pray that God would work in and through them. That their minds, hearts, and motives would be pure in God’s eyes. Pray for them as they seek purity and that in that seeking God would use them to impact the lives around them.

Blessed are the pure in heart,

    for they will see God.

Matthew 5:8

Example Prayer

Father, in a world that disregards purity, help us have a wholehearted pursuit of your and your Word. I pray that the __________ family would taste the sweetness of Scripture and desire it with their whole hearts. Help them to believe your Word is the Sword of the Spirit that can lead, guide, and empower them to pursue purity in every decision. Give them the desire and will to hide your Word in their hearts that they might not sin against you. For your glory and their good, in Jesus’ name, amen.