Bridge of Care Ministries exists to come alongside those who are in seasons of sorrow, sickness or setbacks. We also offer opportunities for people to find encouragement, support, and community. Through a variety of care ministries, we can offer a bridge of hope during a time in need… a hope that can only be found through Jesus.
Biblical Counseling: Provide one-on-one care with those walking through a difficult time using the Word, prayer & counsel. Typically each client/counselor case is a maximum of 6 weeks long.
Jail Ministry: Provide pastoral care, Bible study & prayer to those who are currently incarcerated.
Hospital Visits: Visit those in the hospital when needed.
Communion: Take communion to the home-bound/nursing home bound.
Care Visits: Visit those in rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, hospice, etc.
Chaplains: Offer one-on-one care for those in need in various situations.
Prayer & Encouragement Support: Offer prayer support for various ministries within Bridge of Care Ministries.
Celebrate Recovery / The New View: Support & encourage those attending the faith-based adult group for addictions.
Celebrate Recovery for Teens: Support & encourage teens (ages 13-19) that have hurts, habits & hangups.
Bridging the Gap: Support & encourage those who have a family member or friend in their life that struggles with addictions.