JUMP is our 8th Grade Graduation Experience. Moving into High School can be an exciting time! We are excited to come alongside you and equip you for this upcoming season spiritually!
Wednesday, May 21
6:30 - 8:30 PM
We'll meet & eat at Wings Etc in Shelbyville
All 8th Graders are invited to join us for a fun night as we celebrate the move from The Middle to our High School Ministry. During this time we'll talk about what it means to be a part of the High School Ministry.
You'll learn about our Sunday Night Gathering (High School), events and lesson series for 2025-2026, MFUGE (attending Summer 2026), and communication for the Student Ministries.
Parents/Guardians will receive tools about the transition for their student, and students will receive a Student Ministry Backpack.
Register Below!