High School is a weekly program that meets on Sundays from 6:30-8:30 pm. We'll spend time hanging out, playing games, and more importantly, we'll worship through a lesson and singing, followed by gathering in small groups.

Current Lesson Series

God is enormous. He's too big, too awesome, and too complicated to wrap our minds around. Yet, He wants us to know Him. He wants a relationship with us, so He has revealed Himself in a number of ways. We will never know everything about God. But, in order to become His disciples, we need to know some essential truths about the One we follow. That's what this 4-week series is all about: KNOWLEDGE.
Week 1 - Revealed: How do we know about God?
Week 2 - The Hound of Heaven: How does God pursue His children?
Week 3 - A Higher Justice: How do God's mercy and justices go together?
Week 4 - The Omni's: How big is the God we serve?
Small Group Resources


Upcoming Events


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