High School is a weekly program that meets on Sundays from 6:30-8:30 pm. We'll spend time hanging out, playing games, and more importantly, we'll worship through a lesson and singing, followed by gathering in small groups.
Current Lesson Series
During this 4 week series we'll learn move about how to come alongside others and how we can share Jesus with them. We're to spread the good news, the gospel, to the whole world. As we spread the gospel, we'll begin to understand the greatest act of love is sharing this joy with others. When we become members of Christ's family, the journey only begins. We are now called to care for others, love others, and share Jesus with others.
Week 1 - Lost and Found: What does it mean to be spiritually lost?
Week 2 - Burden for the Lost: Why share about Jesus? Who are the "one's" in our lives?
Week 3 - Spread the Word: How do I share Jesus with others? Learning the 3 Circles tool.
Week 4 - Purpose vs Preference: How do I start wanting what God wants?
Small Group Resources
Upcoming Events
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